Power in the Name of Jesus (Part 3)
God the Father has highly exalted Jesus and has given Him a name that more powerful than any other name. We have been given His name to use so we should use it against anything that has a name which the devil has worked against you.
Sickness has a name, Oppression has a name, poverty has a name and every knee must bow to that name. There is nothing higher on the earth than that name and Jesus was anointed and so is His name. His name is anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. Jesus then exalted one thing higher than His name. His name and His word He has exalted far above any other thing and because of that they are anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power.
At His name every knee must bow and His word has the magnified power of the Holy Spirit on it to break every chain. So, use the name of Jesus to stop the enemy in his tracks and then use the word of God to release the captive.