Just Four Men
July 7, 2019

Just Four Men

Passage: Mark 2:1-12
Service Type:

This miracle doesn’t happen without these four men taking the time out of their busy schedules to come and meet at the house of the paralytic man. They would have taken some time to tell their friend that Jesus the healer was in His house and if they could carry him there, he would be healed. Your faith has the ability to carry people to their place of healing.

In the account of the four men, it does not happen without these four men doing something.

But let me tell you, helping people to get into the presence of the Lord is a lot of work.

These 4 men had to do all that work just to get into the presence of Jesus. It involved planning

  • inviting,
  • physical effort to pick up the person and carry him to the house of Jesus,
  • overcoming obstacles,
  • risking humiliation,
  • possible arrest for destruction of property and
  • on top of that they need to be resourceful to find rope to lower their friend down through the roof.

There is a presence here that can set you free and time can be redeemed. Right now, we are all carrying somebody.

Unfortunately, most people don’t go past their own family in caring for people and there is no special blessing from God for doing that as even the heathen care for their own families.

We meet at the Pasterfield Community Centre at Horizon Ave, Cameron Park. Please call for service times