November 12, 2017

It’s Time for the Supernatural (Part 5) Under the Influence of Faith (Part 2)

Passage: Mark 3:27, 1 Samuel 17:8-10

When we are reaching for the Supernatural, some of us will reach a choke point where doubts will come in and erode your faith.
Do we really believe that God is a God of the impossible? Even more important is the question, do you believe that God will perform the impossible for you and before Christmas 2017?
I'm asking you right now, "Is there anything too hard for God?"
Church, God will do it for you, all He needs is a believer, all He needs is somebody who is willing to get drunk on the word, get out of their mind and get under the influence of faith. Someone who will meditate the word of God until they are staggering under the influence of it and so far out of their natural mind and having the mind of Christ.
We are getting ready for an avalanche of miracles that will astound the world, who here will be the ones to prime the pump and start the flow of miracles happening?

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We meet at the Pasterfield Community Centre at Horizon Ave, Cameron Park. Please call for service times