Words from heaven are so powerful and the first time the people in the home town of Jesus heard them they were amazed and so were the demonic forces. When words from heaven were spoken, demons shuddered. This message will show you the difference in speaking words from heaven or words from your soul.
Most Pentecostal Christians believe in divine healing, but not many experience healing as a every day occurrence in their world. So many have faith in God's ability to heal them but they doubt God's willingness to heal them. Therefore faith and doubt are existing at the same time in many people. This message will help you overcome doubt, fear and unbelief and help you to release your faith.  
If you are serious about wanting to walk by faith, you have to stop looking at what you can see naturally, because what you can see in the natural will be the enemy of what you are believing for. 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. Don't look at or consider the things that are seen because what you can see in the natural is temporary and subject to change. Don’t consider the things that are causing great pressure on your body and your emotions. Don’t consider the things that are afflicting you and trying to kill you. But only consider what you can’t see which is eternal and glorious. There is a war that is raging inside of you and your body is used to having the upper hand, but we are going to learn that is not how God intended us to operate. We must get into the place where we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice
We meet at the Pasterfield Community Centre at Horizon Ave, Cameron Park. Please call for service times